Soho Post House

A Soho post house required a solution to simplify their workflow with a mixture of automated and manual steps.
We developed custom interfaces for:

  • order processing
  • media management
  • transcoding

    Busby Boards provided a simple but highly flexible UI to control their whole workflow at a glance. Operators have a simple to-do list, and can track both manual and automatic steps through the workflow. The post house’s customers have a read-only view of Busby Boards to avoid the need to phone up to check on progress.


    Because the Motion Picture Association of America has stringent security requirements about who can access content, Busby’s interface to Keycloak (a widely used open-source secure authentication server) was used to provide HTTPS authentication and role based access to Busby interfaces.


    Because the post house often on-boards new customers with bespoke workflow requirements, Busby configuration editor is used so that in-house engineering staff can tailor the system for each customer.
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